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Emission-free last mile transports by 2027

PostNord wants to be a leader in the logistics industry in reducing climate emissions. That is why we plan to achieve emission-free last mile transports no later than 2027. The goal requires us to significantly increase the share of electric cars in our fleet.

Emission-free transports guarantee that no climate emissions occur during transport. In practice, it means electric cars that run on renewable energy, such as hydro, solar, or wind power.

– The climate requires immediate action, and we are convinced that a zero emission last mile is the only way forward. Our customers and recipients, who expect us to act accordingly, will experience emission-free transports not only through a decreased climate impact but also through reduced local emissions, says Johanna Starck, CEO of PostNord.

The change will require massive investments to renew our fleet. Approximately 28 percent of PostNord's vehicles throughout the Nordics currently run on electricity, which means and the number of electric vehicles in our terminals is already one of the biggest in Europe. Investments in electric cars will accelerate in the coming years, both in Finland and in other PostNord countries.

Despite the current development, Starck points out that electric cars are not the only option in the long run.

– We need to keep an open mind about the means with which we aim to achieve our target. Electric vehicles are currently the most viable solution, but as technology progresses, new options will also occur.

For instance, the electrification of linehaul traffic between terminals is unimaginable with current technology, which is why our goal is to be fossil-free by 2030 regarding them. Fossil-free means that we use renewable fuels such as biogas and renewable diesel.

While working towards emission-free and fossil-free transports, we provide our customers with carbon-neutral transportation services by offsetting the climate emissions they cause.

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