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Assemble, pack and send products to customers efficiently!

Once a consumer has bought a product, it has to be packed and delivered. As online shopping becomes increasingly common, customer demands grow as well; customers expect a good shopping experience whether shopping at a shop or online. Nonetheless, there are many country-specific differences of consumer expectations. You'll want to consider these.

Assembling and Packing Goods

Once you've received the order, the goods have to be assembled from the warehouse and packed in a suitable way. Transport administration system (TA) actors are often the ones who are in direct contact with consumers by sending various notices, for example. That's why you'll want to make sure that order processing functions as a whole and that your TA solution is suitable for your business operations.

  • In e-commerce operations, most of your time will be spent packing and sending products, which is why it is important to choose streamlined solutions for all stages of the process, ranging all the way from order and packing data to planned warehousing and efficient means of packing.
  • Do develop a sustainable strategy for packing products (basic cardboard packaging and personal messages, for instance). Packaging is not utilized much for customer communications yet, relatively speaking.
  • Make sure that your warehouse balance corresponds with the information notified to customers, and formulate a unified strategy in case of situations when this information is incorrect (e.g. no goods available after all).
  • Anticipate sales and volumes, and allow for busy times and slow times with warehousing and the number of personnel.
  • Are you considering outsourcing packing and sending? View our added value services!


It can be difficult for a new e-commerce entrepreneur to perceive all of the services and processes or freight vocabulary related to goods distribution. With a tight budget, a lower price may count for more, but at the same time, you have to keep the long-term total picture in mind.

It is important to ascertain that the chosen service supplies the quality expected by the customers and that it maintains a high level of service. For this reason, find out which transport solutions you need based on the kinds of products you sell, where your customers are located and what they expect.

For example, Nordic consumers differ from one another significantly in their preferences for how they like to have their purchases delivered. Finnish consumers are more patient than other Nordic customers are, and they are prepared to pick up their deliveries at one-stop shops, whereas the requirements of Swedes and Norwegians regarding delivery time are more stringent. Read our useful e-commerce reports for more detailed findings.

  • A good transport solution meets recipient needs (in other words, customer needs), regardless of whether goods are picked up quickly and easily from a collection point or delivered directly to workplaces or homes.
  • Delivery accuracy and quality are two important factors that are required for a company to be able to inform customers about shipment status and to notify about arrivals.
  • An arrival notification sent by SMS or e-mail is the fastest way of notifying the customer that the shipment is on its way, has arrived or is ready to be picked up. It is quick and convenient for both you and your customer.

Read more about PostNord distribution solutions here